Historical background
One of the two great Sanskrit epics of India, the other being the Mahabharata. In its present form the epic consists of disparate elements, including romantic stories, myths, legends and vague historical information.

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: Narada narrates Rama’s story to Valmiki; Valmiki sees the hunter killing the bird and curses the him; Row 2: Valmiki and a disciple bathe; the disciple pays homage to the poet; Row 3: Brahma appears before Valmiki; Valmiki composes the poem and teaches it to Kusha and Lava; The boys recite the poem before some rishis and then before Rama, Sita, and Rama’s brothers; Row 4: King Dasharatha and his ministers consult a group of ascetics.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, west wall

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: Narada narrates Rama’s story to Valmiki; Valmiki sees the hunter killing a bird and curses him; Row 2: Valmiki and a disciple; the sage bathes; Then, seated beneath a tree, he talks to him; Row 3: Brahma appears before Valmiki; The poet composes the Ramayana and teaches it to Lava and Kusha.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, west wall

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: Lava and Kusha recite the Ramayana to the sages; Then they recite it before Rama, his brothers and Sita; Bottom row: Dasharatha and noblemen in council; The king and the noblemen consult a group of ascetics.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, west wall

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: Dasharatha, talks to Sumantra, Vasishtha and another rishi; Noblemen pay homage to the Sanatkumaras; Row 2: Romapada and his cousellors; Romapada sends the courtesans to fetch Rishyashringa (Kalaikottu munivar); Row 3: the courtesans spot Rishyashringa in the forest and talk to him; Row 4: They seduce him and carry him to the kingdom of Anga; Row 5: Romapada meets Rishyashringa on arrival, and the long-awaited rain puts an end to the drought; Rishyashringa and the king sit together flanked by the courtesans and the noblemen of the court.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, west wall, north corner

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: Dasharatha talks to Sumantra, Vasishtha and another rishi; Sumantra anda group of noblemen pay homage to the four Sanatkumaras; Row 2: Romapada and his courtiers discuss the drought plaguing the Anga country; They send the courtesans to fetch Rishyashringa; Row 3: The courtesans in the forest spot Rishyashringa and talk to him.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, west wall, north corner

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: The courtesans seduce Rishyashringa and they carry him to the Anga country; Bottom row: Under a pelting rain the sage arrives and is welcomed by Romapada; The king and Rishyashringa in darbar, flanked by the courtesans and by noblemen.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, west wall, north corner

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: The wedding of Rishyashringa and Shanta; Row 2: Dasharatha and Sumantra in darbar; Dasharatha and Sumantra (?) near a river; Row 3: Dasharatha and his court travel to the Anga kingdom to fetch Rishyashringa; Row 4: Romapada welcomes Dasharatha in his kingdom; The kings, Rishyashringa and courtiers; Row 5: Dasharatha and Rishyashringa travel to Ayodhya.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, north wall, west corner

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: The wedding of Rishyashringa and Shanta; The seated couple; Row 2: Dasharatha, Sumantra and courtiers in darbar; Dasharatha and Sumantra (?) near a river; Row 3: Dasharatha and his court travel to the Anga kingdom.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, north wall, west corner

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: Romapada welcomes Dasharatha and Sumantra; The two kings, Rishyashringa, and courtiers in darbar; Bottom row: Rishyashringa and Dasharatha travel to Ayodhya.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, north wall, west corner

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: On the extreme right: Sumantra, Rishyashringa and Dasharatha; Row 2: Dasharatha prepares to celebrate the ashvamedha yajna (horse sacrifice); Row 3: The Brahmins engage in various activities; Row 4: Dasharatha, his queens, Vasishtha and Rishyashringa celebrate the yajna; Row 5: The gods attend the sacrifice.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, north wall

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: On the extreme right, Sumantra, Rishyashringa and Dasharatha; Row 2: On the extreme left, Dasharatha and his queens celebrate the ashvamedha; Row 3: The Brahmins engage in various activities connected with the yajna.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, north wall

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: Dasharatha, his queens, Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi, Vasishtha, Rishyashringa and the rishis celebrate the ashvamedha yajna (horse sacrifice); Bottom row: The gods and the dikpalas attend the yajna to receive the offerings.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, north wall
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