Historical background
Semi-divine beings who possess and ambivalent nature; on the one hand they have extraordinary healing powers on the other, they may cause madness. They are exquisite musicians and dancers of the gods and mix freely with humans.

Date: First half of the 18th century, damaged by splashes of withewash
Description: Top row: Krishna is tied to a mortar and drags it between two trees; the gandharvas Nalakubara and Manigriva appear, and being released from their curse they ascend to heaven in a chariot; Nanda and Yashoda witness the scene; Row 2: The gopas leave Gokul on their chariots; Row 3: They settle in Vrindavan: Nanda and his family in their house, the gopas in theirs; Krishna and Balarama go to the forest with the cattle; Krishna kills Vatsasura; Row 4: Nanda and his family in their house; Bakasura tries to swallow Krishna and his companions; Krishna, however, prises the heron’s bill open and tears him apart; The gandharvas praise him.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 1, east wall, south corner

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: Krishna tied to the mortar releases the gandharvas Nalakubara and Manigriva; Bottom row: the gopas leave Gokul and relocate to Vrindavan.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 2, east wall, south corner

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: Nanda, his wives and the gopas in Vrindavan; Krishna and Balarama go to the forest to graze the cattle; Krishna slays Vatsasura; Bottom row: Nanda and his family in Vrindavan; Krishna slays Bakasura and is praised by the gandharvas.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 2, east wall, south corner

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Top row: The gopas worship Mt Govardhana (Krishna appears on the mountain); After having completed the circumambulation of the mountain, they return to Vraja; Row 2: Indra and the gods; Indra on his elephant, Airavata, unleashes a torrential rain on Vraja; Krishna lifts Mt Govardhana, sheltering the gopas and the cows; Row 3: The inhabitants of Vraja thank Krishna while the gandharvas shower flowers on him; Row 4: Indra and the gods approach Krishna. Indra prostrates before him and crowns him as Govinda at the presence of the gopas and the gods. On the wall projection on the left: courtly portrait; On the right: lamp bearer.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 2, west wall

Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Above the arch Tumburu, Narada and gandharvas; On the arch an open shrine (?) flanked by ladies.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, arches

Date: First half of the 18th century, restored
Description: Flying gandharvas.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 4 , The ‘King’s Bedroom’, arch

Date: First half of the 18th century, restored
Description: Two gandharvas strewing flowers.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 4 , The ‘King’s Bedroom’, arch

Date: First half of the 18th century, restored
Description: Flying gandharvas; The one on the right wears an European-style hat.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 4 , The ‘King’s Bedroom’, arch

Date: First half of the 18th century, restored
Description: Flying gandharvas; The one on the left wears an European-style hat.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 4 , The ‘King’s Bedroom’, arch

Date: First half of the 18th century, restored
Description: Three gandharvas (?) bearing flowers and flower baskets.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 4 , The ‘King’s Bedroom’, arch

Date: 18th century
Description: Alagar with Sridevi on his right, Kalyana Sundaravalli Nacchiyar, on his left, and other deities (as seen in the main sanctuary); In the upper corners: gandharvis throw flower petals on them; In the foreground ritual implements.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa; ceiling of the central pavilion

Date: 18th century
Description: Alagar with Sridevi on his right, Kalyana Sundaravalli Nacchiyar, on his left and other deities (as seen in the main sanctuary); In the upper corners gandharvis throw flower petals on them; In the foreground ritual implements.
Location: Tamil NaduTemple;Kallagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa; ceiling of the central pavilion
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