
Date: First half of the 18th century
Description: Muthu Vijaya Raghunatha Setupati carried on a floral palanquin by his ladies; near the palanquin, right, is his sword-bearer; Above the arch: Arjuna fights with Shiva as Kirata, and is given the pashupata astra (a magical weapon).
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 3, arch

Date: First half of the 18th century, restored
Description: Bhima (right) and Purushamriga worship the Shivalinga.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram
Positioning: Room 4 , The ‘King’s Bedroom’, arch

Date: 18th century
Description: Top row 1, ctd. (from left): Rama garlands Sugriva; Tara, Vali’s wife, tries to dissuade him from fighting against Sugriva; Sugriva challenges Vali; The two engage in a duel and, concealed behind a tree, Rama aims an arrow at Vali; Bottom row 2 ctd. (from right): Rama, Lakshmana and Sugriva gather around the dying Vali, who is comforted by Tara and his son Angada; Rama extracts the arrow from Vali’s chest and the latter dies; Rama and Lakshmana confer with Angada (?); Vali’s cremation.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, east corridor, ceiling, northeast corner

Date: 18th century
Description: Top row 3 ctd. (from left): Lakshmana at the presence of Sugriva and Tara; Lakshmana, Sugriva, Jambavan and Hanuman meet Rama on Malyavanta Hill; Rama entrusts his signet ring to Hanuman. Bottom row 4 ctd. (from right): Sugriva; Jambavan and a third unidentifiable figure; The allies are trapped in Svayamprabha’s cave; Once freed, they meet the vulture Sampati who reveals to them Sita’s whereabouts; Hanuman whiles on the seashore and, encouraged by Jambavan and Sugriva, climbs on mount Mahendra and jumps across the ocean to Lanka; On his way he rests on mount Mainaka.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, east corridor, ceiling

Date: 18th century
Description: Top row 5 (from left): Hanuman enters Ravana’s garden; Concealed in the crown of a tree beneath which sits Sita, he makes himself known to her and gives her Rama’s signet ring; He then destroys the garden; A guard reports him to Ravana, and the latter sends his son Indrajit to deal with the intruder. Bottom row 6, ctd. (from right): Hanuman with his tail ablaze, sets fire to the stables of the horses and the elephants; He then dips his tail in the ocean, crosses the sea and rejoins Sugriva, Jambavan and the others on the mainland.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, east corridor, ceiling

Description: Top row 10 ctd. (from right): Having built the bridge, the troops cross the strait; From a hill Rama and Lakshmana direct the attack on Lanka; Ravana watches the action from atop a gopura; Sugriva jumps on him and steals his crown; Ravana, shocked, descends from the gopura; Bottom row 11 (from left): Sugriva brings Ravana’s crown to Rama; Rama, Lakshmana, Jambavan and Vibhishana send Angada on a diplomatic mission to Ravana; Angada at Ravana’s presence.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, east corridor, ceiling

Date: 18th century
Description: Top row 10 (from right): The monkeys build the bridge to Lanka under the direction of Rama, Lakshmana, Sugriva and Jambavan; Bottom row 11 ctd. (from left): Angada at Ravana’s presence sits on his coiled tail; He returns to Rama, Lakshmana and Vibhishana to report the failure of his mission; The troops on the move.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, east corridor, ceiling

Description: Top row 12 (from right): Rama’s troops attack Ravana’s fortress; Angada drags by the hair Ravana’s wife, Mandodari, in the assembly hall; Ravana enters the battlefield on his chariot; Bottom row 13 ctd. (from left): Rama, seated on Hanuman’s shoulders shoots arrows at Ravana but his limbs regenerate; Hanuman, and then Sugriva, fight bare handed against Ravana, who succumbs to Sugriva’s punches and is rescued by two rakshasas.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, east corridor, ceiling

Date: Paintings: late 19th, early 20th century
Description: Shiva gives the pashupata astra (a magical weapon) to Arjuna at the presence of Krishna.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Atmanatha Temple;Avudaiyarkoyil
Positioning: Sivananda Manikkavachakar shrine, prakara wall, north west corner

Date: mid-19th century
Description: Top row: Hanuman on his way to fetch the healing herb which will revive the wounded heroes meets the rakshasa Kalanemi disguised as an ascetic, and outwits him; Second row: The final battle between Rama and Ravana; Ravana’s death; Mourning scene; Ravana’s cremation; Vibhishana collects the ashes to entrust them to the river; The mourners perform their ablutions; Vibhishana in council with Rama and the allies; Third row: (left) Hanuman and Angada (?) jump on the aerial chariot; (right) Rama, Sita and the allies on the chariot fly above the causeway and Rameshwaram temple.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Bodinayakkanur
Positioning: Darbar Hall

Date: mid-19th century
Description: Top row (from left to right): Ravana in council; Lakshmana fights against Ravana and is wounded; Hanuman goes to the Himalayas to fetch the magical
herbs; On his way there he encounters the rakshasa Kalanemi disguised as an ascetic and the nymph Dhanyamali transformed by a curse into a crocodile Hanuman kills both of them; Second row: Rama enters the battlefield and fights against Ravana, killing him; Ravana’s wives mourn his death; Third row: Rama and his allies on board of the pushpaka vimana (aerial chariot); They fly above a Brahma (flanked by Yama ?) and a Vishnu temple where Hanuman and Angada (?) pay their respects; Fourth row: The arrival of the pushpaka vimana in Nandigrama; Bharata and Shatrughna pay homage to Rama. General rejoicings.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Bodinayakkanur
Positioning: Darbar Hall

Date: mid-19th century
Description: Top row: Rama in council; Consecration scene (?Vibhishana joins Rama’s party); Rama in council; Rama sleeps on a bed of darbha grass on the shore of the sea; Sagara prostrates before Rama; Council scene; Second row: (illegible) Council scene; Ravana in Lanka; Battle scene; Third row: Rama in council; Hanuman carries Rama on his shoulder, Angada (?) carries Lakshmana.
Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Bodinayakkanur
Positioning: Darbar Hall
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