Historical background
Malevolent spirits that roam at night assuming many forms at will. They are described as raw flesh-eaters, having deformed limbs, sharp claws and side-fangs. They play a prominent role in Hindu mythology and folklore.

Date: 18th century, partly obliterated and damaged by splashes of whitewash
Description: Top row (left): Having killed Jambukumara, Lakshmana reports the incident to Rama; Rama discusses the matter with the sages; (right) In the meantime, Shurpanakha, discovers the decapitated body of her son and vents her anger on two ascetics (?); Bottom row: After having been mutilated by Lakshmana (the scene of the actual mutilation is not shown) Shurpanakha seeks her brothers’ help; They convene a meeting with their allies and plan to take their revenge.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, north wall

Date: 18th century, partly obliterated by whitewash
Description: Top row: Shurpanakha’s three brothers on their chariots and their troops march against Rama who, single-handed, fights against them; Bottom row; Ravana, in Lanka, has a meeting with his ministers and his brother Vibhishana. In the meantime, Lakshmana joins Rama in the forest and together they walk back to the hut where they left Sita.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, north wall

Date: 18th century, partly obliterated by whitewash
Description: Top row: Sita, concealed in a cave is guarded by Lakshmana; Once the rakshasas are defeated the life of the three exiles goes back to normal; Lakshmana accompanies Sita back to Rama and resumes his guard duty outside their hut; (on the left) In Lanka Shurpanakha approaches her brother Ravana. Bottom row: On their search for Sita, Rama and Lakshmana meet the dying vulture Jatayu; The remains of Ravana’s charioteer are strewn around him. Jatayu dies and the brothers perform the final rites. Resuming their search they meet the rakshasi Ayomukhi who falls in love with Lakshmana. Annoyed by her advances, he cuts her ears and nose.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, north wall

Date: 18th century, partly obliterated and damaged by splashes of whitewash
Description: Top row: Ravana summons the rakshasa Maricha, who assumes the form of a golden gazelle and roams near Sita’s hut; She asks Rama to capture it; Rama chases the animal who disappeares deep into the forest. Bottom row: Rama and Lakshmana kill the headless rakshasa Kabandha; They arrive at the hermitage of the sage Matanga and then they resume their search for Sita.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, north wall

Date: 18th century
Description: Top row: While Sita is alone in the hut a mendicant appears at the door; She goes out to give him some food and he reveals himself as Ravana; She sits on the ground and Ravana uproots her, as it were, and abducts her in his aerial chariot. Bottom row: Hanuman meets the princes as soon as they arrive in Kishkindha; He then reports to two crowned monkeys; A delegation of monkeys meet Rama and Lakshmana.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temples;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, north wall

Date: 18th century, partly obliterated by whitewash
Description: Top row: Ravana abducts Sita in his aerial chariot; the vulture Jatayu tries to intercept the progress of the conveyance and engages in a fierce battle during which he is severely wounded and falls to earth; Ravana’s chariot resumes its flight. Sita drops her jewels tied in a piece of her garment; The monkeys find them; On arrival in Lanka she is held captive in Ravana’s ashoka grove; He tries to persuade her to marry him. Bottom row: Hanuman reports to two crowned monkeys; A delegation comes to meet the visitors; Sugriva prostrates at Rama’s feet; He then points to Rama Dundubhi’s huge carcass hanging on a tree and Rama throws it away; Then Rama pierces the seven trees with a single arrow.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, north wall

Date: 18th century
Description: Top row 3 (from left): Rama and Lakshmana spend the rainy season on Malyavanta Hill; Sugriva and Tara enthroned; At the end of the rainy season, Rama sends Lakshmana to remind Sugriva of his promise to help organizing the search for Sita; Lakshmana at Sugriva’s and Tara’s presence; Bottom row 4 ctd. (from right): Hanuman on his way to Lanka; He jumps from Mount Mahendra to Mount Mainaka; He encounters the rakshasi Surasa who swallows him, but he escapes from her ear; At the gate of Lanka he defeats Lankini, and enters Ravana’s palace looking for Sita.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, east corridor, ceiling

Date: 18th century
Description: Top row 5 (from left): Hanuman enters Ravana’s garden; Concealed in the crown of a tree beneath which sits Sita, he makes himself known to her and gives her Rama’s signet ring; He then destroys the garden; A guard reports him to Ravana, and the latter sends his son Indrajit to deal with the intruder. Bottom row 6, ctd. (from right): Hanuman with his tail ablaze, sets fire to the stables of the horses and the elephants; He then dips his tail in the ocean, crosses the sea and rejoins Sugriva, Jambavan and the others on the mainland.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, east corridor, ceiling

Date: 18th century
Description: Top row 5 ctd. (from left): After a fierce fight against Indrajit and his followers, Hanuman is taken captive before Ravana; He sits on his coiled tail on Ravana’s throne; Bottom row 6 (from right): Incensed at Hanuman’s impertinent behaviour, Ravana orders Hanuman’s tail to be set ablaze; Hanuman, then, sets fire to Lanka before flying back to the mainland.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, east corridor, ceiling

Date: 18th century
Description: Top row 7 ctd. (from left): Hanuman accompanied by Sugriva reports to Rama and Lakshmana; Hanuman talks to his companions and all together they follow Rama seated on his shoulders; Bottom row 8 ctd.(from right): Rama in council; In Lanka, Ravana consults his ministers.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, east corridor, ceiling

Date: 18th century
Description: Top row 9 (from left): Vibhishana prostrates before Rama and Lakshmana; He is consecrated king of Lanka by Lakshmana and Sugriva; Vibhishana and Lakshmana, carried in a palanquin, reach the shore of the ocean where Rama lies on a couch of darbha grass. Bottom row 10 ctd. (from right): Having built the causeway, the troops cross the ocean; Rama and Lakshmana direct the attack on Lanka from a hill; Ravana watches the action from atop a gopura; Sugriva jumps on him and steals his crown; Ravana, shocked, descends from the gopura.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, east corridor, ceiling

Date: 18th century
Description: Top row 9 ctd. (from left): Lakshmana and Vibhishana, carried in a palanquin, reach the shore of the ocean where Rama lies on a bed of darbha grass to propitiate Sagara, the god of the ocean; Sagara does not appear; Rama threatens him with the Agni-astra (fire-weapon); Sagara then appears along with his wives and prostrates before Rama; The monkeys headed by Hanuman, prepare to build the bridge to Lanka. Bottom row 10 (from right): Under Rama’s and Sugriva’s direction they build the bridge.
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Kallalagar Temple complex;Alagar Koyil
Positioning: Vasanta mandapa, east corridor, ceiling
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