Topography ; TopographyEnvironment Historical background Particularly interesting are the schematic renderings of many temples. The deities are shown in their own shrines along with the typical natural features of the site, enabling thus the viewer to identify them. Date: First half of the 18th century Description: Top row: A female messenger announces the birth of the princes to Dasharatha and to the assembled court; Bottom row: The king, accompanied by rishis and priests, takes a purificatory bath. Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram Positioning: Room 3, exterior of staircase to Room 4 Date: First half of the 18th century Description: Top row: Dasharatha, accompanied by the rishis and priests takes a purificatory bath; Bottom row: He then distributes cows and grains to the Brahmins. Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram Positioning: Room 3, exterior of the staircase to Room 4 Date: First half of the 18th century Description: Top row: The naming ceremony (?) of Dasharatha’s sons ; Row 2: The princes in their cradles; Row 3: Dasharatha and the queens with their sons on their lap, talk to Vasishtha and other sages (?). Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram Positioning: Room 3, exterior of the staircase to Room 4 Date: First half of the 18th century Description: Top row: The naming ceremony of the princes (?); Bottom row: The princes in their cradles are looked after by their mothers and their attendants. Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram Positioning: Room 3, exterior of the staircase to Room 4 Date: First half of the 18th century Description: Bottom row: Dasharatha and the queens with their sons on their lap, talk to Vasishtha and other sages. Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram Positioning: Room 3, exterior of the staircase to Room 4 Date: First half of the 18th century Description: Top row: On the right, the princes are given a bath, on the left, Krishna dancing flanked by two children and two attendants; Row 2: The queens nurse their sons; Row 3: Rama and Bharata crawling; One of the two other princes tries to walk, the other is held in the arms by his mother; Row 4: One of the princes is massaged, another is in the arms of his mother while Lakshmana and Shatrughna learn to walk. Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram Positioning: Room 3, north-east corner Date: First half of the 18th century Description: Top row: On the right, the princes are given a bath; On the left, Krishna dancing flanked by two children and attendants; Bottom row: The queens nurse their sons. Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram Positioning: Room 3, north east corner Description: Top row: The queens nurse their sons. Bottom row: Bharata and Rama crawl under the eyes of their mothers; Lakshmana and Shatrughna, are one in the arms of his mother and the other is crawling on all fours. Location: Tamil Nadu;Palace;Ramanathapuram Positioning: Room 3, north east corner Date: First half of the 18th century Description: Top row: One prince is massaged, another is in the arms of his mother, Lakshmana and Shatrughna learn to walk under the eyes of their mothers. Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram Positioning: Room 3, north east corner Date: First half of the 18th century Description: Top row: Dasharatha and the queens entrust the education of the princes to Vasishtha; Row 2: The king and the queens, look on while Vasishtha schools the princes; The princes and Vasishtha; Row 3: The princes are trained in the martial arts; Row 4: The princes are trained in archery, horse and elephant riding; Row 5: The princes on two chariots return home after completing their education. Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram Positioning: Room 3. north east corner Date: First half of the 18th century Description: Top row: Dasharatha and the queens entrust the education of their sons to Vasishtha and other sages; Row 2: The king and the queens watch on while the princes are taught by Vasistha; The princes listen to Vasishtha’s words. Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram Positioning: Room 3, north east corner Date: First half of the 18th century Description: Top row: The princes engage in various martial arts; Row 2: The princes learn archery, horse riding and elephant riding; Row 3: Once their education is completed, the princes, escorted by Vasishtha, return to their father. Location: Tamil Nadu Palace;Ramanathapuram Positioning: Room 3, north east corner « Previous 1 … 10 11 12 13 14 … 72 Next »