Historical background
Particularly interesting are the schematic renderings of many temples. The deities are shown in their own shrines along with the typical natural features of the site, enabling thus the viewer to identify them.

Date: First half of the 19th century
Description: In which Shiva becomes an old ascetic, a youth, and a baby. (TP 23)
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Brihadishvara Temple complex;Thanjavur
Positioning: Courtyard, north colonnade

Date: First half of the 19th century
Description: At the behest of Rajashekhara Pandya, Shiva lifts his right foot. (TP 24)
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Brihadishvara Temple complex;Thanjavur
Positioning: Courtyard, north colonnade

Date: First half of the 19th century
Description: The death of the wife of a Brahmin, accidentally killed by an arrow placed on a tree by a hunter, and fallen because of a gust of wind, is explained. (TP 25)
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Brihadishvara Temple complex;Thanjavur
Positioning: Courtyard, north colonnade

Date: First half of the 19th century
Description: Devotion to Sundareshvara frees a Brahmin of the sin of brahmahatya (brahminicide), here personified as a large dark creature. (TP 26)
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Brihadishvara Temple complex;Thanjavur
Positioning: Courtyard, north colonnade

Date: First half of the 19th century
Description: Shiva, as a fencing master, cuts Siddhan to pieces.(TP 27)
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Brihadishvara Temple complex;Thanjavur
Positioning: Courtyard, north colonnade

Description: King Anantaguna Pandya kills the magic snake, created by the Jains. The snake assumes the form of a mountain, Nagamalai, and the poison contaminates Madurai. The town is saved by the King’s devotion to Sundareshvara. (TP 28)
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Brihadishvara Temple complex;Thanjavur
Positioning: Courtyard, north colonnade

Date: First half of the 19th century
Description: Nandi fights against a magic cow sent by the Jains to destroy Madurai. (TP 29)
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Brihadishvara Temple complex;Thanjavur
Positioning: Courtyard, north colonnade

Date: First half of the 19th century
Description: Shiva, at the head of an army, comes to the help of Kulabhushana Pandya. (TP 30)
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Brihadishvara Temple complex;Thanjavur
Positioning: Courtyard, north colonnade

Date: First half of the 19th century
Description: Shiva in the guise of a bracelet merchant, sells bracelets to the wives of the rishis. (TP 32)
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Brihadishvara Temple complex;Thanjavur
Positioning: Courtyard, north colonnade

Date: First half of the 19th century
Description: Shiva teaches the eight main yogic powers (Ashtamahasiddhi) to the six Kriittikas (the six Pleiades). (TP 33)
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Brihadishvara Temple complex;Thanjavur
Positioning: Courtyard, north colonnade

Date: First half of the 19th century
Description: By Shiva’s grace, King Kulabhushana Pandya receives an inexhaustible quantity of money which he distributes among the needy and gives order to restore the Madurai temple. (TP 31)
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Brihadishvara Temple complex;Thanjavur
Positioning: Courtyard, north colonnade

Date: First half of the 19th century
Description: Shiva in disguise distributes water to the troops of Rajendra Pandya. (TP 35)
Location: Tamil Nadu Temple;Brihadishvara Temple complex;Thanjavur
Positioning: Courtyard, north colonnade
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